music writing

For more than ten years I have written music and culture features, interviews, essays, and reviews for a variety of online, print, and trade publishing titles. I’ve focused avant pop & rock-derived musics, experimental, classical, and generally “out” cultures when doing review work. In the last ten years I’ve gotten more pop and more commercial in my listening while trying to remain true to underground/DIY music and ethos. I’ve got a lot to say about Nicki Minaj and Pitbull these days, but also about Downtown Boys and Blackfire.

I tend towards topics that engage music and politics, subculture, technology, the music industry, and the hidden/underrepresented histories of minoritized peoples in music.

Bylines include: Pitchfork,,, Capital NY, Associated Press, Chicago Tribune, Flaunt, MOJO Magazine, Village Voice, LA Weekly, & Seattle Weekly, among others.

I’ve done some more advertorial style content work for &, including a several year stint as Rhapsody’s classical editor.

The Archive includes:

Work at New Music Box, including a month-long guest columnist spot on music and labor

Capital New York, including an anthologized piece about Nicki Minaj

Flaunt, including an anthologized piece about women in pop on Depeche Mode, which counts in large amounts